OG+S’s Lego Parallel

This is Erin setting the scene for this week’s post. It’s written by Carter, our high school administrative assistant. It was spurred by our firm’s recent discussions about 1) our culture and how it impacts our actions, and 2) what a target client is. I was happy to see that our people are listening, thinking, … Read more

American Democracy  

We are excited to share with you a Forensics piece by our high schooler, Carter. P.s. – He’s going to State! Democracy lives in the people, democracy is the people, democracy is our best hope. This is a quote of Vice President Kamala Harris, and I think her words are undeniable. Democracy, an idea entrenched … Read more

The Good Fight with the Good Friends 

“That was good, wasn’t it?” This was the question that Republican Senator John McCain asked Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy, after having one of their heated debates on the floor of the United States Senate. Two men putting aside their staunch differences because of a friendship. Now over the years, I have noticed that more and … Read more