Bottles Up

As a firm of trademark and alcohol attorneys, it’s always a thrill when those two topics collide, especially on a major stage. We had one of those great moments of serendipity last week. The story begins with Diageo, the company that owns Bulleit Frontier Whiskey, a brand of whiskey that might be familiar to our … Read more

The Corporate Transparency Act is Here. Now What About Ownership Interests?

(part 2 of 3) This post is the second part in a series on the Corporate Transparency Act. Feel free to check out Part 1 here. The last post talked about how a beneficial owner under the Corporate Transparency Act (Act) can be any individual who exercises “substantial control” over the company. This post focuses … Read more

The Corporate Transparency Act is Here. Now What is Substantial Control?

(part 1 of 3) This series of posts follows Collin’s earlier posts on Corporate Transparency. Thank you, Collin, for paving the way! For that helpful context, please see Collin’s posts here and here. The purpose of this series is to dig a little more into the “nuts and bolts” of who must be reported, the … Read more

Trademarks and Sports: Yes, No, Maybe So?

Can trademarks and sports mix? To address this question, I wanted to dive in with several case studies: Of course, this Cheesehead cannot help but talk about the Green Bay Packers! The Packers’ notable trademark is it’s original one where it claims the services of “entertainment services in the form of professional football games and … Read more

Minnesota and Non-Competes

As OG+S’s attorney licensed in Minnesota and on the heels of last week’s post about the FTC proposed rule related to non-compete clauses, I figured I should cover recent changes in Minnesota law related to non-compete agreements. If you are looking for some helpful context about non-competes, Collin’s post provides helpful context. For agreements entered … Read more

Poking Fun or Making a Buck?

My last blog post ended with a cliffhanger: but what about Jack Daniel’s and dog toys? For those of you on the edge of your seats, thanks for waiting. There are others probably thinking, “What is this guy’s deal? First, it was shoes and socks, and now it’s whiskey and dog toys?” For those readers, … Read more