Strong Foundations: Intellectual Property Basics – Copyrights

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Date(s) - 05/11/2016
08:00 - 09:30

University Research Park


Copyrights help protect the creative expression of an idea.  Often, people connect copyrights to movies, songs and paintings, but it can protect much more than that for any business.  We will discuss:

  • What does a copyright protect
  • Why “copy and paste” is not a good idea
  • What does registration mean
  • Plus more

Breakfast starts at 8:00 am; the presentation starts at 8:30 am.


Strong Foundations is a presentation series to help owners of companies build their knowledge of key legal concepts and use this knowledge to grow their companies on strong foundations.  This first series will discuss intellectual property including trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets and contracts relating to these concepts.

You are welcome to come to one, a few or all.

May 4 – Trademarks
May 11 – Copyrights
May 18 – Patents
May 25 – Trade Secrets
June 1 – Contracts

We look forward to seeing you!


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