Action Steps

Finally, it is time for action.  You have direction from your SMART goals; now it’s time to figure out how you are going to implement them.  Now is the time for specifics.  What needs to be done?  Use action verbs – create, attend, write, etc.  Identify exactly what – write two blog posts each week, … Read more


You have your Strengths, Weaknesses, Threats, and Opportunities all plotted out, right?  It wasn’t just an exercise in creating charts.  Now you have to do something with it.  It is time to start your strategic plan.  If you don’t point your boat towards the water, you aren’t going to get there. Take a good look … Read more

SWOT Analysis

It’s the beginning of the calendar year, which means it’s a great time to look at your plan for the year.  Even if your fiscal year is already going, if you didn’t look at that plan before, do it now.  What’s that? You don’t have a strategic plan.  Well, what are you waiting for?  Someone … Read more