Labor Day 2024

It sure was a beautiful end to summer with a gorgeous long weekend of weather. We hope you were all able to enjoy the time with family and friends like Lola did. See you next week with a fresh blog post!

An Open Mind Opens Doors

Below is the second post from our departing summer law clerk, Karen. I am very happy that we infected her with our love of IP law! But what I am even happier about is that she gained confidence. ____________________________________________________________________________________ If you read my first blog post, you know that OG+S was my first legal job. … Read more

Ten Weeks with OG+S

This is the last week of work for our summer law clerk, Karen Perez-Wilson. She has been an absolute pleasure. One of her last assignments was to write two blog posts about her experiences with us this summer. This is her first post. As you will see, I think she is gunning for ice cream, … Read more