Welcome to the World, Lily!

We are so pleased to congratulate our Attorney, Sam and his wife, Meredith on welcoming the newest member of the OG + S Family. Welcome to the world Lillian Mae! Lily was born on August 9 at 3:19 AM weighing in at 7 lb 6 oz and measuring at 20 inches long. We couldn’t ask … Read more

Tiktok Creators Making Major Moves In the Copyright World

Late last month, a little clock-app and a handful of online creators made moves that are likely to permanently alter the existing copyright landscape. That’s right, Tiktok, an app with over 689 million active monthly users, and creators like Keara Wilson (the dancer who choreographed the insanely viral Savage Challenge dance to the Megan Thee … Read more

Welcome Sam and Miranda!

It is our pleasure to introduce you to Sam Kavalier, our newest attorney, and Miranda Salazar, our new Law Clerk! Sam is a recent graduate of University of Wisconsin Law School, and we are thrilled he decided to begin his law career with OG+S. While interviewing Sam, we were particularly impressed with his pre-law school … Read more

On Your Mark, Get Set, Maybe Don’t Go?

As you likely know, the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the statewide Safer at Home orders as invalid and unenforceable. That means that any further statewide rules will need legislature’s actions. Many counties and municipalities then implemented their own orders, but many did not. Some municipalities that originally said they were going to have such … Read more