Happy End of 2024 from Ogden Glazer + Schaefer

As we close out another remarkable year, all of us at Ogden Glazer + Schaefer want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude. To our clients, partners, staff, and friends, your trust and collaboration have been the cornerstone of our success. We’re proud of what we’ve achieved together in 2024 and excited about … Read more

Emergency Rule 2419 Released by Wisconsin Department of Revenue

The anticipated Emergency Rule further outlining the Department of Revenue’s policies, procedures, and interpretations of Wis. Stat. Sec. 125 was just released! If you are a brewery, winery, distillery, or wholesale permittee in the State of Wisconsin this emergency rule applies to you and will impact your business. We will have more information about the … Read more

The Corporate Transparency Act is Here (Kinda). Now It’s in Court (Again)?

My pause on BOI blogging content was solid, but recent events in federal court have caused me to spring back into action. For those of you tuning back in, this post relates to our firm’s series about the Corporate Transparency Act and Beneficial Ownership Reporting. Please follow the link here to see all our firm’s … Read more

OG+S is Thankful for You!

Collin started out the statements of gratitude, but we wanted to extend it to this week, too. We at OG+S are very grateful for our staff, our clients, and our community.  We absolutely could not survive as a business without our staff. They exemplify our culture, mission, and values every single day. And let us … Read more

Being Thankful – One Week Early

I recently finished reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s book Be Useful, and one message really stuck with me: None of us are self-made. Every accomplishment, every milestone, is built on the support, wisdom, and generosity of others. As I reflect on ten years of legal practice, and how I got here, this truth feels especially meaningful. With … Read more

SUPER BABIES vs. Other SUPER Trademarks

When a fantastic trademark dispute arises, especially one involving superheroes, this trademark attorney cannot help but blog about it. The nature of this particular trademark dispute is epic, perhaps rising to the level worthy of a superhero blockbuster (or maybe that’s just this attorney’s trademark geekdom talking). In either event, like many legal disputes, this … Read more


That’s it. That’s our entire blog post. Please go vote. Vote for all the things on the ballot. This is the #1 right as citizens we have. Please exercise it. I mean, we are a law firm after all. So go. Vote.