Connelly: How to Pull the Wrench from the Works

In last week’s post, we talked about the Connelly case before the U.S. Supreme Court, which involved a fight between an estate and the IRS about whether money from a Key Person Insurance policy (that a company takes out on the lives of its shareholders) should count toward the company’s fair-market valuation for the purposes … Read more

Connelly: a Wrench in the Succession Planning Works?

The U.S. Supreme Court issued a plethora of impactful decisions in its last term. One that might have flown under the radar had to do with estate taxes. Though topic of taxes does not normally make for engaging content, this just might be an exception. If you are a business owner (or are related to … Read more

Border to Border

Remember back with Carter’s Big Mac post, I said we’d explore more things? Here is one of those posts! The enforcement of laws depends on who made the law. If a city counsel created the ordinance, then it applies to that city – and no others. Same with counties, states, and countries. Sometimes an organization … Read more

OG+S’s Lego Parallel

This is Erin setting the scene for this week’s post. It’s written by Carter, our high school administrative assistant. It was spurred by our firm’s recent discussions about 1) our culture and how it impacts our actions, and 2) what a target client is. I was happy to see that our people are listening, thinking, … Read more

Keep On Keeping On

As a small business owner, there are lot of plates that you are constantly spinning. How are your customers? Employees? What’s going on with your vendors? Your distributors? And on and on. One thing that often slips through is the actual status of the company. We had an intern this summer, and one of her … Read more

Used Trademark For Sale

Remember when I said that we’d have some follow-up to Carter’s Big Mac post? Well, here is one of those posts! Today, we’ll talk about what it means to “use” a trademark. Trademarks are creatures of the relationship between the source of a product and its customers. They don’t exist without the product or the … Read more