Happy Holidays to You and Yours

Happy Holidays! Everyone at OG+S wishes you a great holiday and prosperous New Year. If you’ve worked with us for any length of time, you know we are animal lovers at heart – so with that, I give you photos of our furry family members \ legal assistants!

Planning Matters.

It’s happened twice in my career so far: the deathbed will. In both instances, the situation was exceedingly sad – individual gets sick; realizes their estate plan isn’t up to date; and attempts to re-write their “will” (or write it the first time) by text message or by signed affidavit. In both cases, although the … Read more

Restraints of Trade Come in Many Flavors

We get a ton of questions about “non-competes” at OGS. In legal terms, a “non-compete” is a specific kind of “restraint of trade” that is governed by Wis. Stat. Sec. 103.465. However, the type of “restraint of trade” that is right for you and your business may not be a “non compete” and could be … Read more

A Holiday Tradition

Disclaimer: This post is not legal advice (or about the law, at all) Happy (almost) Halloween everyone! Halloween is my favorite holiday, and for the last 25 years or so, I’ve marked it with an annual showcase of the timeless classic, “Garfield’s Halloween Adventure” or “Garfield in Disguise” (depending on your region). GHA is a … Read more

My, What a Nice Roof You Have!


Pizza Hut has my wife’s favorite pizza. Now, I’ve always loved “the Hut” – but I wasn’t a fan of the pizza until I met Kim. So, how can you love a pizza place but not really love its pizza? Its awesome trademark, obviously. Most companies utilize two flavors of trademark – a design mark … Read more


S-Corporations are a popular form of business “entity”, but what does it really mean and are there special rules you should know about? In this post, we discuss the basics of S-Corps, and, in two weeks, we explore what an “S election” means for your business in the long run.  S-Corp basics: First things first, … Read more

The ADA and Your Website

The Americans with Disabilities Act probably applies to your company’s website, not just the front door and size of the bathroom. So, while the ADA may not be the first thing you think about when rebuilding your website….maybe it should be? Read on for more information. Does the ADA really apply to my business? Under … Read more