Back to Work

We hope you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend and beginning of the school year!

Standing for Compassion

nnnon After a summer of crutching around, I am so glad to be rid of the crick-creak of that particular fashion accessory.  Through it all, I have learned how to carry everything in a cross-body shoulder bag, to ask for help, and maybe, just a little bit of patience.  But most of all, I have learned … Read more

But It’s My Name, Too!

  The use of a live person’s name for a trademark can be a problem.  In general, the USPTO is circumspect when it comes to allowing one entity to have sole dominion over a person’s name.  They want someone to be able put their own name on their business.  That means you can name your … Read more

Book ’em, Danno with the Form 5500

Every once in awhile, you get the opportunity to see someone really show that they know their industry and care about their clients.  A few weeks ago Mike Johnson of Cottingham & Butler showcased both of them to me.  He was talking about how companies are coping with the changes in health care opportunities (Not just … Read more

Don’t Barrel Up Your Business

We took a Hophead Tour earlier this month, and our tour guide (and Hophead Tour owner) Justin Schmitz told an interesting story about Hess Cooperage.  I asked him to provide a little bit of that story of one of the early Madison entrepreneur success stories. You have probably been to or heard of the Cooper’s … Read more

But They Do Sell Toys, Right?

We have previously discussed descriptive marks and some problems they have.  But what if you really, really want one?  Can you still protect it?  It depends on whether or not it can eventually be recognized by customers as something more than a description of your goods and services.  If so, then the mark has gained … Read more

Happy Independence Day

IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of … Read more

Categories law

Duck, Duck, Employee

To help determine who is an employee when it comes to work for hire, the US Supreme Court inCommunity for Creative Non-Violence v. Reid identified three broad factors that make up an “employer-employee” relationship. Control by the paying company over the work. The more the control the paying company has over what the work is … Read more

Wait, Who Owns It?

“Work for hire” Three simple words. I know what each means independently, but as a phrase they take on a special meaning in copyright law.  That special meaning, however, most do not know. In copyright, the creator of the creative expression of an idea (you know, the thing that is copyrighted) is the default owner. … Read more

Keep Looking Forward

A few weeks ago, we took a motorcycle class.  One thing the instructors kept saying was “Keep your heads up! Look forward!”  You had to see where you were going, and it helped get over nerves.  As one instructor said, “If you only look three feet forward, you will only go three feet forward.  If … Read more