Who’s The Boss?

When setting up an LLC, whatever or whoever is helping you with the Articles of Organization asks a simple question: Is this going to be member-managed or manager-managed?  This question is often met with a somewhat blank stare.  So, if you did the same thing right now, you are not alone.  You should see what … Read more

Wages and Overtime: Flexible Compensation and Salaried Employees

This is the first post in a series about wages and overtime, when it applies, and how to avoid costly mistakes.  As your company expands beyond the initial founders, keeping abreast of the multiple (and sometimes confusing!) wage and overtime regulations covering employees becomes incredibly important.  Here are two questions I’ve gotten recently, along with … Read more

Real Estate Terms Worth Knowing

Over the past few weeks, we have gotten a bunch of questions from clients in regard to real estate transactions and some of the terms that inevitability come up in almost every deal.  This article aims to provide a quick and easy to understand guide to some of the terms we see most often. Tenancy … Read more

South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.: Taxation in the Digital Age

Remember the days of the tax free Internet purchase?  Me neither, because those days never really existed.  That said, in the wake of the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. ,  the risk of non-collection for said taxes has shifted from consumer to company – and anyone who makes an online sale should sit … Read more

Learning to Read the Harmonized Tariff Schedule

I’ve written about this before on LinkedIn – full disclosure, but over the past few weeks, I’ve gotten multiple questions about customs costs, and how they are assessed, from clients who are importing products from abroad and re-selling them in the United States.  Each client’s situation is unique, but a critical step one in all … Read more

Liability Waivers in Your Adventure Business

Adventures are everywhere and more accessible than ever! But, with more adventure comes more risk for the participant and more risk for the business (and its owners).  As you can imagine, the question\request I get most often from adventure business owners is related to liability waivers and protecting the business from legal risk in the … Read more

Don’t Cross the Streams

When talking with people starting businesses, one question that we get is a lot is “How do I limit my liability?”.  First, we talk about creating a business entity.  And don’t forget about insurance.  But, one thing we always talk about is “Don’t cross the streams. It would be bad.” By that, we mean keep … Read more

So That’s Why It Says That

The Food and Drug Administration (along with the FTC and FCC) regulates the claims that dietary supplements can make for their products.  Dietary supplements are those things that people take to enhance their health but aren’t drugs.  If the substance is “intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease” or … Read more

Talking to Potted Plants

I have had a few people tell me lately that I am a “good networker” and ask what groups I am a part of and what events I go to.  I reeled off a few of them, but upon further reflection, I didn’t help those people by doing that.  I should have told them that … Read more

B is for Benefit

On November 27, 2017, Wisconsin started to allow businesses to be “benefit corporations” as a business entity thanks to the new corporate statutory Chapter 204.  A benefit corporation is a corporation formed in accordance with ch. 180 that states in its articles that it is a benefit corporation and has a purpose of creating general public benefit.  … Read more