Letter Full of Lemons

Oh, no! This company says we are infringing their trademark.  They say we need to stop by, wait, that date has already past.  They say they are going to sue!  Well, %#@$, now what?  First, take a deep breath.  Then, you can set a course of action (or inaction). Whether it comes in an envelope, … Read more

Maybe Not A Text Message With Emojis

Last week, we talked generally about cease and desist letters.  But, when do you actually send them and how? By whom? The answer was hinted at last week, and it boils down to my two favorite words:  It depends.  So let’s go into what it depends upon. When do you send one?   First, you send … Read more

Stop Laughing and Listen

Cease and desist letters are no fun.  They are no fun to send, and they are certainly no fun to receive.  They are usually the first shot across the bow when a trademark owner believes that someone is using a mark that is just a little too close for comfort.  Instead of jumping straight into … Read more

Building an Ecosystem

I’ve been doing some research into how to build an entrepreneurial ecosystem – something I have been tasked with for one of the many projects I seem to have stumbled into. I came across this great list of values that should be embedded into an ecosystem. But, as I read the values, it really seems … Read more

You’ll See Things You Never Did Before

Whenever I am talking to someone about their trademark, the topic of using a TM or ® comes up.  First, which should one use?  Second, when should they use it?  The first question is easy.  If you have a federally registered trademark on the mark being used, then the ® is for you.  Everyone else gets to use … Read more

You’re Not From Around Here, Are You?

If you do business outside of the state in which you are organized (e.g., you are a Wisconsin LLC, but do business in Illinios), you have to tell that other state that you are doing business there.  That is, you register as a foreign company.  Yup, it is as you always suspected, those Illinois people … Read more

For Sale: Baked Goods Just Like Mom’s

In May of this year, Judge Duane Jorgenson in Lafayette Court found Wisconsin’s ban on the sale of homemade cookies, breads and other baked goods is unconstitutional because it primarily serves business interests.  Since then, the state legislature has tried to pass bills allowing certain home-baked goods (usually limited to a certain dollar amount per year) without … Read more

Help Sector67

If you are involved in the Madison entrepreneurship scene, you know Chris Meyer of Sector67 and Heather Wentler of the Doyenne Group.  They are tireless in their work to create an entrepreneurship climate here.  Sector67 is an amazing makerspace that welcomes all types of do-ers.  In an effort to have a bigger, permanent home for … Read more

Swing Your Counterpart Round and Round

Here with another post to demystify contracts, today we discuss counterparts.  In a common provision, we see something like: Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, all of which taken together shall constitute the same agreement. In first grade, we learned to figure out new words using context.  Great.  Context here is that uh, … Read more

Standing for Compassion

nnnon After a summer of crutching around, I am so glad to be rid of the crick-creak of that particular fashion accessory.  Through it all, I have learned how to carry everything in a cross-body shoulder bag, to ask for help, and maybe, just a little bit of patience.  But most of all, I have learned … Read more