That’s it. That’s our entire blog post. Please go vote. Vote for all the things on the ballot. This is the #1 right as citizens we have. Please exercise it. I mean, we are a law firm after all. So go. Vote.
That’s it. That’s our entire blog post. Please go vote. Vote for all the things on the ballot. This is the #1 right as citizens we have. Please exercise it. I mean, we are a law firm after all. So go. Vote.
As an extension filer for almost the entirety of my adult life, I’m all too well aware that while the US Treasury might give you an extension on the time to file, there is never an extension of the time to pay your taxes. This applies to income tax and excise tax – and if … Read more
Minnesota is one of 13 states with a mandatory paid leave program for employees within its borders. Though the program is officially scheduled to roll out in 2026, there is a pressing deadline coming up at the end of the month. If you are a Minnesota employer, a fellow geek of the law, or just … Read more
With the Midwest weather looking like it should in mid-October, we offer you a poem along with a photo of Lola this week. Fall, Leaves, Fall by Emily Brontë Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;Lengthen night and shorten day;Every leaf speaks bliss to meFluttering from the autumn tree.I shall smile when wreaths of snowBlossom … Read more
We are in the Fourth Quarter of the calendar year. That means that all the stuff that needs to be done by December 31, 2024 are coming due really soon. Many, however, don’t realize that until around Thanksgiving, and then it is a mad dash. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some … Read more
The 2018 Farm Bill made a significant change to the definition of “marijuana” by introducing a THC threshold. Specifically, it now requires a concentration of at least 0.3% Delta-9 THC on a dry weight basis for something to be considered marijuana. In simpler terms, if a plant—or any product derived from it—contains 0.3% Delta-9 THC … Read more
In last week’s post, we talked about the Connelly case before the U.S. Supreme Court, which involved a fight between an estate and the IRS about whether money from a Key Person Insurance policy (that a company takes out on the lives of its shareholders) should count toward the company’s fair-market valuation for the purposes … Read more
The U.S. Supreme Court issued a plethora of impactful decisions in its last term. One that might have flown under the radar had to do with estate taxes. Though topic of taxes does not normally make for engaging content, this just might be an exception. If you are a business owner (or are related to … Read more
Remember back with Carter’s Big Mac post, I said we’d explore more things? Here is one of those posts! The enforcement of laws depends on who made the law. If a city counsel created the ordinance, then it applies to that city – and no others. Same with counties, states, and countries. Sometimes an organization … Read more
It sure was a beautiful end to summer with a gorgeous long weekend of weather. We hope you were all able to enjoy the time with family and friends like Lola did. See you next week with a fresh blog post!