Will You Go Out With Me?

Unsurprisingly, I find myself often being asked to describe what “intellectual property” is.  I, all too often, find myself giving a description that is not all that helpful.  If you are asking what “intellectual property” is, then saying “intangible business assets” isn’t going to get us much closer to understanding.  One way that I have … Read more

Welcome Sam and Miranda!

It is our pleasure to introduce you to Sam Kavalier, our newest attorney, and Miranda Salazar, our new Law Clerk! Sam is a recent graduate of University of Wisconsin Law School, and we are thrilled he decided to begin his law career with OG+S. While interviewing Sam, we were particularly impressed with his pre-law school … Read more

Another Emergency Rule: More Changes for Hemp Growers and Processors in Wisconsin

Effective May 3, 2021 DATCP (Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection) published an Emergency Rule making further changes to Wisconsin’s Hemp Pilot Program. Although Wisconsin is still operating under a “Pilot Program” pursuant to the provisions of the 2014 Farm Bill, this Emergency Rule (and the others before it) are meant to add flexibility … Read more

Introducing Pam Benedon!

We are very excited to announce that Pam Benedon has joined the OG+S team as a Legal Assistant. Yesterday (May 3) was her first day! Pam graduated from University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh earning a Bachelor of Science in Education degree in English and Speech Communication. In her free time, Pam enjoys swimming, hiking, reading, and traveling. … Read more

Fearless (The Legal Version)

Big weekend! Taylor Swift has re-released her 2008 album “Fearless” to claw back ownership of, and agency over, her music after the much publicized sale of the original master recordings to a private equity firm. The release, of course, is taglined, “Taylor’s Version” – but what is the (copyright) legality behind how Taylor was able … Read more

[Not So] Basic Economics

People are weird. It really boils down to that.  And I’m not excluding myself from that categorization at all.  All people are weird.  Need proof? Veblen goods are proof.  A Veblen good is a good where demand rises as price rises. See?! Weird.  But, it turns out that people are weird in a somewhat predictable … Read more

CDC Extends Eviction Moratorium to June 30th

In welcome news for renters across the country, the Centers for Disease Control have extended the current Eviction Moratorium, which was set to expire on Wednesday, until June 30th. Under the extended order, residential tenants cannot be evicted from their homes solely for non-payment of rent, provided they give their Landlords (or Landlord’s agent) a … Read more
