Fill ‘er Up!

It is December, which means we’re busy wrapping up client work that needs to be done by the year’s end.  But it also means that we are planning for 2021.  We have big plans.  I hope some of them can involve seeing you in person, but even if not, we still need to figure out … Read more

We ARE Trying.

It has been a busy first quarter for our clients, which means a busy time for us. One thing that has kept us hopping is the purchase or sale of businesses. Often, but not always, that takes the form of an asset sale. That means assets of the business are sold – not ownership of … Read more

Family Feud

OK, you have gone through all of the questions that Gary set out for you, but now’s the toughest one of all: Do you have the support network at home for this? Start-ups are not for the faint of heart. You will be putting in hours of work – possibly for little or no pay … Read more

Are you right? Right now?

I joked last time that I was having an existential crisis about my own value by discussing how much I should pay myself when starting a business, but this week’s post kicks it into high gear as we ask: Are you the right person to start this business? Well, now, these questions are not getting … Read more

Paper Beats Paper?

Somewhere at the bottom of most agreements is a clause that looks something like this: Entire Agreement:  This Agreement and the Exhibits and Attachments referred to in this Agreement contain the entire understanding of the Parties with regard to the subject matter contained in this Agreement and supersede all prior written or oral agreements, understandings … Read more

Whereas, Now, Therefore

At the beginning of many contracts is a series of clauses beginning with “Whereas.”  Besides giving us lawyers a chance to use a fancy word, these phrases actually have a purpose.  They are called the “Recitals,” and they are used to provide context to the agreement. The first paragraph tells the name of the agreement, … Read more

Lessons from Japan: Wooden you like to know.

I have been in Kyoto, Japan, for the past week, and one thing that keeps coming up is that stuff has been here for a long time.  Like centuries upon centuries long.  And not just things like a stone statute or wall, but buildings made of wood.  If something happens to an edifice (and with … Read more