Spotlight on

As you drive though the green, rolling hills in the farmland in southwestern Wisconsin, you pass through small towns that proudly tout their local high school’s last state championship. In these towns, you find a lot of small businesses from ranging cafes to farm implement stores. If you enter Fennimore on Highway, if you look … Read more

Chinks In the Wall

I often get asked, “Now that I am an LLC or corporation, I am completely, 100% protected from personal liability, right?”  Well, um, how do I put this delicately?  Uh, no.  No, you are not.  “Wait, what!?”  It is because the company isn’t an impenetrable shield.  It is more like a really high wall that … Read more

Slow Money Smolders in the Community’s Pocket

We are involved in a lot of organizations that discuss, encourage and teach about investing in companies.  Today, we’ll be attending the Wisconsin Innovation Network Lunch in Madison where Greg Piefer, the founder and chief executive officer of SHINE Medical Technologies, will discuss SHINE’s journey from a campus medical physics laboratory to federal approval of … Read more

Organization: It’s Not Just for Closets

Last week, we discussed why you would want to be a statutory entity.  The two most common choices are limited liability companies (“LLC”) or corporations – whether that is an S-corp. or a C-corp.  Each are controlled by their very own set of statutes.  Chapter 183 details the rules and defaults for LLC’s while Chapter … Read more

Here There Be Dragons

Congratulations! You have decided to start a business on your own.  That is awesome!  Go forth and conquer; you got this.  But be ready for battle.  As those maps of early explorers pointed out: Here there be dragons.  Suit up accordingly. One of the easiest and arguably most important thing to carry is a shield.  … Read more

Lessons from Japan: Wooden you like to know.

I have been in Kyoto, Japan, for the past week, and one thing that keeps coming up is that stuff has been here for a long time.  Like centuries upon centuries long.  And not just things like a stone statute or wall, but buildings made of wood.  If something happens to an edifice (and with … Read more

Magic Words

We have guest blogger this week, Craig Burk.  Craig is a speaker, facilitator, coach, and designer at, and one of the nicest, most engaged people you will ever meet.  If you want to feel better, more informed, and happy walking away from a conversation, have a coffee with Craig.  He is one of those people that … Read more

IP from Sea to Shining Sea

Your ideas may know no boundaries, but the protection of them does.  Intellectual property laws only protect the subject within the boundaries of the entity that created the protection.  There are three types of entities that provide intellectual protection:  States (or provinces), nations and regional intellectual property organizations. Nations each have their own intellectual property … Read more

Strategic Planning Wonderland

The King in Alice in Wonderland said, “Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop.”  For strategic planning, I agree with the first part, but vehemently disagree with the second.  Don’t stop!  Keep looking, moving, and revising as needed.  The world changes; your business changes.  Why shouldn’t your … Read more