Taking Capital Accounts into Account

Let’s say you just started a new business—congratulations! When you contribute to your new business at the outset, as well as when you contribute again at a later point, that capital contribution and those of the other owners need to be tracked somehow. Enter the Capital Account. A Capital Account is a general ledger used … Read more

That’s a (click)Wrap

Who has time to read those pesky terms and conditions anyway? As it turns out…they are worth paying attention to, particularly if you are in a position to be writing them or using them on a website. If you are a new business owner starting up a website, terms and conditions should matter to you. … Read more

Control Level: Blue

I am a self-professed #TrademarkNerd.  I think they are interesting beasts.  They combine business, law, social science, and, of course, shopping.  When a lot of people think about trademarks, they think about what the company owns and does with it.  That’s fair.  Companies spend a lot of time, money, and effort on their trademarks.  But … Read more


At the beginning of the year, I gave myself a personal challenge of wearing the same dress for 100 days.  Yup, one single dress.  I pared down my closet and found reasons to wear cute tights and leggings even if I was just sitting at my desk at home.  During that time, I explored ideas … Read more

Education Software Beware: Updates to Illinois SOPPA Law

            On July 1st, the threshold requirements ramped up for Illinois schools and the software vendors that provide them services under the Illinois Student Online Personal Privacy Act (SOPPA). Most of the new requirements fall within the purview of the schools, such as maintaining a publicly available list of all software vendors providing software to … Read more