How trust enhances team performance

As you learned from Drew’s post last week, we attended the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Solo and Small Firm Conference.  It is a conference for well, solo and small (fewer than 10 attorneys) firms. Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of discussions about teams with other attendees – especially those of us who have a dispersed … Read more

Three Insights from the 2022 Wisconsin Bar Solo & Small Firm Conference  

Every year, many Wisconsin lawyers who work for small firms or practice law solo attend a conference sponsored by the State Bar of Wisconsin which facilitates gatherings, lectures, and conversations about relevant topics and issues. I was excited to be able to attend this year’s Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conference to gain insight into … Read more

An Open Mind Opens Doors

Below is the second post from our departing summer law clerk, Karen. I am very happy that we infected her with our love of IP law! But what I am even happier about is that she gained confidence. ____________________________________________________________________________________ If you read my first blog post, you know that OG+S was my first legal job. … Read more

Ten Weeks with OG+S

This is the last week of work for our summer law clerk, Karen Perez-Wilson. She has been an absolute pleasure. One of her last assignments was to write two blog posts about her experiences with us this summer. This is her first post. As you will see, I think she is gunning for ice cream, … Read more

Wishing You All Independence And Equality

In Congress, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the … Read more

Categories fun

Welcome Carter Rickard!

This week, we welcome Carter Rickard to OG+S as our Administrative Assistant for the summer! Carter goes to Iowa-Grant High School (Go Panthers!). He plays third base on their baseball team, and last year, as a Freshman, he won gold at state in Forensics. For his gold-medal run, he did Moments in History, and his topic … Read more