Paper Beats Paper?

Somewhere at the bottom of most agreements is a clause that looks something like this: Entire Agreement:  This Agreement and the Exhibits and Attachments referred to in this Agreement contain the entire understanding of the Parties with regard to the subject matter contained in this Agreement and supersede all prior written or oral agreements, understandings … Read more

Growing Hemp in Wisconsin

Under the 2014 Federal Farm Bill,  hemp cultivation is allowed to be undertaken by States as part of an approved agricultural pilot program.  Despite many other federal laws banning cultivation and use of hemp, the Farm Bill created this carve-out and a new opportunity for entrepreneurs and farmers in States that adopted the pilot programs.  Luckily, … Read more

Help Others Help You

I was out for coffee with a new business owner earlier this week.  At the end, the owner tried to be proactive in his business and asked me “Who do you know that I should know?” I was a bit blunt in my response, which was “That is a bad question.  I don’t know how … Read more

Charting My Way to No

Those who know me know that I have a problem saying “No” to good projects and organizations.  I want to help, and there are a lot of really good opportunities out there.  But, sadly, it turns out that humans are essentially a closed system.  I can’t add hours to my day.  I may have as … Read more

Take the Leap: Hiring Employees Is Not That Scary

I’ve been on an employment article kick lately, and my awesome business partner, Erin Ogden, will be making a presentation about “Business Growing Pains” to the Baraboo, Wisconsin Area Chamber of Commerce shortly, so I wanted to dust off this article I’d written a while back on LinkedIn and share it with the OG+S audience.  … Read more

Just Keep Going

  In a first for us, I am reposting an earlier post because I was reminded of it this weekend.  My friend was in town for the Ironman competition again.  This time, instead of being in the race, she had two athletes she trained doing it.  She’ll be competing in the Arizona race in November.  … Read more

Exempt Employees: Administrative and Executive

Over the past few weeks, we have been discussing Employees, overtime, and who is exempt from those regulations.  Last week, we talked about determining who is exempt, and this week, we talk about two of the most popular types of exemptions – the Administrative and Executive Exemption.  Read below for more information! Administrative Exemption FLSA: To qualify … Read more

Lola Teaches Problem Solving

Many of you already know Lola as our social media manager and holiday good wish giver.  Last week, she gave us a good lesson on problem solving.  We were in Cleveland, Ohio for my first half marathon since breaking my leg.  It was 6:00 am Eastern (a/k/a 5:00 am Central), and we were outside with … Read more