Rent Never Abates to Zero – and Other Tips for Tenants!

Last time I wrote about tips for Landlords embarking on their first adventure into residential renting – but today, I’m going to concentrate on a few tips for tenants.  In Wisconsin, there are plenty of “gotchas” or “trap doors” in the law for both parties – but when\if mistakes happen, the outcomes often disproportionately impact … Read more

It All Comes Around

We started on this fair use train to answer a question someone asked me:  When can you use music in videos and podcasts?  I think you can make some guesses as to the answer.  First, you can certainly use music if you get permission from the owner of the music.  Second, there are companies that … Read more

Sorry For Partying

Last week was a bit of a let down, wasn’t it?  Here’s all of these interesting facts, and then thbbt! No resolution.  This week is better.  This one also involves the manipulation of a photograph but with a lot more humor. This time, Sconnie Nation, a t-shirt company, used a photo taken by Michael Kienitz … Read more

When it goes Fairey, Fairey wrong

Fair use is a defense, but it isn’t always a slam dunk winning defense.  Shepard Fairey is a graphic artist and known for street art.  You may not recognize his name, but you likely recognize at least one piece of his work:  The Obama HOPE poster. The photo is instantly recognizable and arguably iconic.  It … Read more

Welcome Attorney Collin Schaefer!

Collin Schaefer of the Law Firm of Collin Schaefer in Cedarburg, Wisconsin has joined Erin Ogden and Jeffrey Glazer at OgdenGlazer, LLC as a partner.  The new firm is now Ogden Glazer + Schaefer, or OG+S. Schaefer brings a strong practice in business, real estate, and technology.  He will keep his practice centered in Cedarburg, … Read more

The Set Up

As we discussed earlier, courts look at the purpose and character of the use for both the original owner and the derivative use.  Courts look at how the party claiming fair use is using the copyrighted work.  Is the derivative use meant to make money?  If so, it is more likely to be found infringing, but if … Read more

No Quippy Acronyms Here – TTB CBMTR Guidance

  The United States Tobacco and Trade Bureau (“TTB”) has finally issued guidance around the pieces of Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform (the TTB is not as good at acronyms or naming as our legislators) contained in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“Tax Act”). The Tax Act made a number of changes to … Read more

Happy Spring

It is a day of beginnings.  What will you start today?  

Only Three Fairs in the World

Jeff likes to say, “There are only three “fairs” in the world: The county fair, the state fair, and the World’s Fair.”  However clever that is, in copyright law, we also have fair use. I’ve been getting asked a lot of forms of, “If I do X, am I doing something wrong with someone else’s … Read more