Keep Looking Forward

A few weeks ago, we took a motorcycle class.  One thing the instructors kept saying was “Keep your heads up! Look forward!”  You had to see where you were going, and it helped get over nerves.  As one instructor said, “If you only look three feet forward, you will only go three feet forward.  If … Read more

Get Back On Again (In 12 Weeks)

They say when you fall off a horse, you should get back on again.  Well, sometimes when you fall off the horse, things like tibial plateau fractures happen which means that getting back on again are delayed as surgeries and recoveries take awhile.  But the message is don’t let the tumble scare you away from … Read more

A License to Ask Questions

When a company is growing, they begin selling more products and often start exploring options like distribution agreements and licensing agreements.  When looking into those agreements, it important that the terms and scope of the agreement are understood by both parties and written down. Terms of the agreement can include scope restrictions such as whether … Read more

Lift With Your Head

  Original image from Everkinetic Cybersquatting is generally bad faith registration of another’s trademark in a domain name.  Under section 43(d) of the Lanham Act (also known as the Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act or ACPA), a person shall be liable to the owner of a trademark if that person has a bad faith intent to … Read more

Don’t Skate Around Non-Competes

A covenant not to compete is a contract, and as a contract, it needs an offer, acceptance and consideration to be enforceable.  When presented at the offer of employment, as long as employment is conditioned upon signing, that is considered enough.  In Star Direct v. Dal Pra, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled that employers may … Read more

Rapunzel, Can I Cut Your Hair?

Let’s pretend that I am the owner of a hair salon.  I want to keep my clients even as different hairdressers come and go.  One problem though:  My clients build a relationship with a hairdresser, and when he leaves to go to another salon, my clients follow.  What to do?  One answer might be a … Read more

Don’t Cross the Red Cross Trademark

Federal law prohibits anyone other than the American National Red Cross and “its duly authorized employees and agents and the sanitary and hospital authorities of the armed forces of the United States from using the Greek red cross on a white ground or the words ‘Red Cross’ or ‘Geneva Cross.’”  The law states that “[w]hoever wears … Read more

It’s Certifiable

Certification marks are special types of marks that shows that the mark owner certified that another’s goods or services met or exceeded specific standards as set by the mark owner.  A certification mark can be a word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination of those.  Some certification marks that you may recognize include: ROQUEFORT … Read more