Let’s Just Put Them on Salary

This is a short post to make a short, but important point: Remember: The default rule, in the eyes of the government, is that your employees are paid hourly, and therefore entitled to overtime. Just deciding to “put the employee on salary” to avoid paying overtime is not how it works. Employers don’t get to … Read more

Getting Off on the Right Foot: Steps to Take After Forming Your Company

Creating your Corporation or LLC is the first step towards the success of your new enterprise. But, as every entrepreneur already knows, creating the corporation (i.e. “mailing it in”), is only the first step. Here are a few additional items you should think about after your Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the WDFI. … Read more

On the Back of a Napkin

I’ve written about this topic before, but it keeps reasserting itself in client questions, comments, and requests on a regular basis – so, I suppose it’s time to write about it again. “We want a quick one page agreement.” “Collin, I need a simple commercial lease, no more than three pages.” “They don’t like written … Read more

Changes are Coming – Be Prepared to Disclose “Beneficial Ownership” in 2021

Ah, the Panama Papers – remember that? What about “Essential Consultants, LLC” – does that ring a bell? Without going down the rabbit hole that either of those links could send you down (c’mon – click one!) suffice it to say that both were made possible by federalism and the fact that corporations and LLC’s … Read more

Beware of the Ponzi Scheme: The 2020 SEC Enforcement Report

It’s my favorite time of year. I do love celebrating the harvest as much as the next guy – but I really love November because the SEC Enforcement Report is published. If you work in securities, or have an affinity for all things Ponzi scheme (like me) – it’s a wonderful season. This post is … Read more

Reconnect with the Library: Check out Libby

I have been a fan of the library for a long time. If you don’t have a library card, I suggest getting one right away. The library, even in a small town like mine, is a source of amazing resources – books, music, online courses, software, and more (not to mention, free book delivery from … Read more

Words Matter, Even in Privacy Policies.

Words matter; but what you actually do matters more. When the words and actions don’t line up – trouble is brewing. This post is about Privacy Policies and why, just like other contracts, copying and pasting one from the Internet may not be the best idea. Read on for more information. Privacy Policies are notoriously … Read more

CDC Eviction Moratorium: What it Means for Residential Landlords & Tenants

On September 1, 2020 the Centers for Disease Control implemented a nationwide moratorium on residential evictions until December 31, 2020 (“CDC Eviction Moratorium“). Under the Moratorium, Landlords are prohibited from taking any action to evict a residential tenant for non-payment of rent. While the order does not extinguish a tenant’s responsibility to pay rent, it … Read more

It’s Hard to Do Business With Key Stakeholders Who Don’t Want To

This is a short post because the point is simple: If you choose to do business with individuals who do not like to run their business with written agreements, good governance, and sound policies – it’s to your detriment. We’ve written countless times about the need for all businesses to treat themselves “like a business” … Read more

Donkey Kong and King Kong Are Not the Same Ape.

If you’ve read our blog religiously, you’ll know that I often write about intellectual property and video games (or, cartoons). Well, its been awhile, and in 2020, levity is required! So, today, we’re talking about the two most famous (fictional) apes of all time – Donkey Kong & King Kong – and the epic intellectual … Read more