Resolved: The Importance of Corporate Resolutions

For a relatively short and simple document, a corporate resolution can be of the utmost importance. The use of corporate resolutions is imperative to the lawful continuation of your business. So today, I am going to walk you through the basics of corporate resolutions and why they are so important. What is a corporate resolution? … Read more

Cheers to the New Year!

Don’t forget our upcoming seminars: Jan. 14 – Trademarks: Jan. 21 – Copyrights: Jan. 28 – Patents: Feb. 4 – Trade Secrets: Feb. 11 – IP Contracts: These are at 9:00 am Central Time via Zoom. You are welcome to come to one, a few or all. Proceeds will go to the Doyenne Group. P.S. … Read more

Strong Foundations: IP webinar series

We want you to start your 2021 armed with knowledge! Strong Foundations is a presentation series to help owners of companies build their knowledge of key legal concepts and then use this knowledge to grow their companies on those strong foundations.  This first series will discuss intellectual property including trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets and contracts relating to … Read more

Fill ‘er Up!

It is December, which means we’re busy wrapping up client work that needs to be done by the year’s end.  But it also means that we are planning for 2021.  We have big plans.  I hope some of them can involve seeing you in person, but even if not, we still need to figure out … Read more

Socially Distanced: The (Live-Streamed) Musical!

My last blog post covered the ins and outs of obtaining proper licensing for live-streamed audio-visual events. However, that was merely talking about individual songs – not entire theatrical performances, like musicals or plays. My not-so-secret secret is that I adore musicals. Even the deeply tragic ones bring me so much joy. Fortunately, the concept … Read more

Virtual Entertainment Needed!

During a time where almost everything is being done virtually, it is more important than ever that we inform ourselves on copyright law and the licenses and permissions needed to lawfully conduct our desired activities in a virtual environment. I don’t know about you, but I really miss going to live musical performances. Fortunately, I … Read more


The Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twenty-sixth state that voting rights of U.S. citizens cannot be abridged on account of race, color, previous condition of servitude, sex, or age for those above 18. Therefore, we hope that you have been able to exercise your right to vote. Unlike Lewis the Cat, who has no such right.

Categories fun

The Least Hard Part of Brexit

Brexit has been, well, let’s say bumpy. One thing that has seen a bit less turbulence than other areas of contention is trademarks. So let’s keep our fingers crossed that what I write below remains true as it has all year. For those not regularly pursuing international trademarks, a very quick primer: When registering a … Read more