“Can I Just Skip It?” 

As a business owner, you are no doubt very busy: you are building your brand, perhaps considering applying for applicable trademarks, contracting with clients and vendors, or even considering selling or buying a business. Some of the small details associated with these events can seem trivial and unnecessary. When clients approach business lawyers with these … Read more

First Things First: Trademark Preliminary Screens

If any readers have ever gotten in touch with OG+S regarding a potential trademark application, we have likely mentioned the possibility of doing a “preliminary screen” for your mark. This process, sometimes also referred to as a “knockout search”, helps trademark applicants get a sense of the field before they apply. Here at OG+S, we … Read more


There has been a bit of upheaval over the past few years, and it doesn’t look like 2023 is going to suddenly calm itself down. That means we continue to have the choice on how we view the external world and act upon our assessment. I propose that there are two dichotomies of options presented … Read more

Checking in on S-Corps

After a long hiatus from this blog, I decided it was time to revisit S-Corps. If you are unfamiliar with S-Corps, go check out Collin’s first and second posts on S-Corps, which provide helpful context. With the foundation laid for the basics of S-Corps,  we can turn to the main focus of this post: electing … Read more

Delegation: Where The Rubber Meets The Road

We’ve talked about why we should delegate and what and when we should delegate. All of that is great unless we don’t actually do it or do it poorly. So today, we’ll provide some pointers on the how we can delegate successfully.  First, choose the correct person for the correct task. Each team member has … Read more

Delegation: What do I give, what do I keep?

Last week, I talked about why we delegate. Great, now we’re sold! But what do we delegate and when? Not every task can be delegated.  Before simply handing off a task (especially menial ones), consider whether you can eliminate it in the first place completely. If it doesn’t need to be done, then we do … Read more

Top 9 areas of breakdown during changes in leadership

Remember the earlier post by Business Excelerated’s Amanda HarNess about the connection between trust and leadership? If not, go back and read it. Beyond lack of trust, there are other areas where leadership breaks down. Amanda gives us questions to consider whenever leadership is changing for an organization. And, unprodded by me, she recommends building … Read more

LLC Ya Next Year!

Earlier this year, the Wisconsin Legislature passed Act 258, which will bring updates to Wisconsin’s LLC Law. These changes are set to take effect on January 1, 2023. At a high level, the major updates include the following: For those out there reading, you might be wondering, “What does this have to do with me?” … Read more