Just Following (Madrid) Protocol

As I advise clients on trademark issues, it is relatively common for clients to ask if there is an “international trademark”. I then break the unfortunate news that there is no such thing as an “international trademark”. Instead, registered trademark protections only extend to the national borders where the mark is registered. This means that … Read more

Why We Need Their Life Story

We’ve all asked when on a food blogger’s site, “Why can’t you just give me the recipe and not your life story?”  Many have listened to this complaint and added a much (to me) valued “Jump to Recipe” button on the top.  But I am here to defend all those stories that I often skip.  … Read more

“Would You Capture It or Just Let It Slip?”

Many of our readers are likely familiar with Eminem’s hit single “Lose Yourself.” I imagine significantly fewer are familiar with “Mom’s Spaghetti,” the underrated and amusing parody to “Lose Yourself.” In recent weeks, “Mom’s Spaghetti” made national headlines for a different reason.  A “Mom’s Spaghetti” restaurant took its “chance to blow” by opening in downtown … Read more

Tiktok Creators Making Major Moves In the Copyright World

Late last month, a little clock-app and a handful of online creators made moves that are likely to permanently alter the existing copyright landscape. That’s right, Tiktok, an app with over 689 million active monthly users, and creators like Keara Wilson (the dancer who choreographed the insanely viral Savage Challenge dance to the Megan Thee … Read more

Narrow Auto-Dialing Definition Broadens Text

NARROW AUTO-DIALING DEFINITION BROADENS TEXT I wrote this post last year, but the US Supreme Court has been busy since then addressing the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA).  In April of 2021, they unanimously overturned the Ninth Circuit’s broad interpretation of an autodialer in Facebook v. Duguin.  The opinion states that a notification system that … Read more

Growing Hemp in Wisconsin

Under the 2014 Federal Farm Bill,  hemp cultivation is allowed to be undertaken by States as part of an approved agricultural pilot program.  Despite many other federal laws banning cultivation and use of hemp, the Farm Bill created this carve-out and a new opportunity for entrepreneurs and farmers in States that adopted the pilot programs.  Luckily, … Read more