Make It a Triple (or Not)

When signing a commercial lease, it is very important to know what is included as part of the rent payment and what additional payments may be due.  Often tenants go into a lease negotiation with a belief that as long as they are paying their base rent, everything is covered.  However, that may not be … Read more

Not So Secret Agent Man

When setting up a company, whether it is an LLC, corporation, non-stock corporation, or any of the other options, we always need to include the identity of the company’s registered agent in the Articles of Incorporation and Annual Report and update that information if it ever changes.  Each company (again no matter what kind or … Read more

Don’t Cut, Paste then Pay

Photo: © 2008 flikr, flikr2639, licensed by Creative Commons You are looking for a nice photograph to take your website from “meh” to “yeah!”  After tooling around, you find the perfect one on someone else’s website.  It has everything you could hope for in a photo.  It is pretty, professional, and just the right amount … Read more

Chinks In the Wall

I often get asked, “Now that I am an LLC or corporation, I am completely, 100% protected from personal liability, right?”  Well, um, how do I put this delicately?  Uh, no.  No, you are not.  “Wait, what!?”  It is because the company isn’t an impenetrable shield.  It is more like a really high wall that … Read more

IP from Sea to Shining Sea

Your ideas may know no boundaries, but the protection of them does.  Intellectual property laws only protect the subject within the boundaries of the entity that created the protection.  There are three types of entities that provide intellectual protection:  States (or provinces), nations and regional intellectual property organizations. Nations each have their own intellectual property … Read more

Trademarks: The Shopper’s Law

I love trademark law.  I admit it.  I have used the hashtag #trademarknerd more than once.  One reason that I love it is that it is part of everyday life. If you shop, you use and understand trademark law.  And here you thought you were just buying shampoo. Trademarks are completely based on customer perceptions.  … Read more