Border to Border

Remember back with Carter’s Big Mac post, I said we’d explore more things? Here is one of those posts! The enforcement of laws depends on who made the law. If a city counsel created the ordinance, then it applies to that city – and no others. Same with counties, states, and countries. Sometimes an organization … Read more

Keep On Keeping On

As a small business owner, there are lot of plates that you are constantly spinning. How are your customers? Employees? What’s going on with your vendors? Your distributors? And on and on. One thing that often slips through is the actual status of the company. We had an intern this summer, and one of her … Read more

Used Trademark For Sale

Remember when I said that we’d have some follow-up to Carter’s Big Mac post? Well, here is one of those posts! Today, we’ll talk about what it means to “use” a trademark. Trademarks are creatures of the relationship between the source of a product and its customers. They don’t exist without the product or the … Read more

Can’t Compete With Confusion

Non-compete agreements have been in the news lately because the FTC “banned” them.  Yeah, it was in the boring section in the news, but I know I’m not the only one who saw it – as we’ve had questions. First, the FTC issued a final rule. That’s an administrative rule, not a law, but lots … Read more

Holding the Bag

Lots of provisions are looked at prior to a contract being signed, some at signing, and others not until afterwards when there is a problem. Representations and warranties are ones that can be important at each of these stages. Each of these are used to properly place risk and expense. They do so by showing … Read more

A Question of Price

We help people with contracts that buy and sell their products and their businesses, license their products and their intellectual property, and lots of other things that lead to the question of “What do I charge?” Our first answer tends to be “That’s more of a business question than a legal question.” But that answer doesn’t … Read more

Fight Against The Flow

This is a personal rant. I’ll admit it right off. This is Erin Ogden’s opinion, and I am oddly overly vehement about it. The topic? Flow state. What?! Yeah. Flow state. Read or listen to any productivity how-to and it will tell you about the magical state of “flow.” You must reach it. It is … Read more

State Your Intentions

There are two processes for processing thoughts. One process addresses a lot of our needs. It monitors for threats and opportunities. It is mostly controlled by the amygdala, which means it is a lot of emotion and actions being acted upon unconsciously and automatically. It bypasses the neocortex. The other process lives in the neocortex … Read more