On Your Mark, Get Set, Maybe Don’t Go?

As you likely know, the Wisconsin Supreme Court struck down the statewide Safer at Home orders as invalid and unenforceable. That means that any further statewide rules will need legislature’s actions. Many counties and municipalities then implemented their own orders, but many did not. Some municipalities that originally said they were going to have such … Read more

Unemployment Benefits Respect State Borders

Under Section 2104 of the CARES Act, nearly all individuals receiving unemployment benefits could temporarily receive an emergency increase of $600.00 in their weekly benefit. This increased benefit is fully funded by the federal government until July 31, 2020. The federal payments were contingent on the execution of a signed agreement between the US Department of Labor (“DOL”) and … Read more

Payroll Protection Program Pickiness

The Payroll Protection Program supposedly was taking first applications on April 3, 2020.   I have to admit that I know of no one that got an application in to a bank on that day.   But last week, people were actually getting applications in, and some have already received approvals.  That means that if you are … Read more

Families First Means Paid Leave

There are currently two COVID-19 related acts:  The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. I know everyone wants to know about the Payroll Protection Program under the CARES Act. We’ve been looking at it and talking to banks, but let’s address the Families First Act … Read more

Best Laid Plans

I had grand plans for today’s blog post. I should discuss the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. I should discuss the different loan and business programs available in Wisconsin. I should do a lot of things. But really, what I want to do is just figure out a way to get us all through the … Read more

Categories fun

Side Gig or Not: Limit Your Liability.

I have been asked quite a bit lately about when one should create a business entity like an LLC. I get told things like: “It is just a small side gig.” or, “It is a direct sales thing.” And I get it. You don’t know if it is going anywhere, and you don’t want to … Read more

We ARE Trying.

It has been a busy first quarter for our clients, which means a busy time for us. One thing that has kept us hopping is the purchase or sale of businesses. Often, but not always, that takes the form of an asset sale. That means assets of the business are sold – not ownership of … Read more

The Licensing Lion

We have written in the past about the control that a copyright owner has over the subject of his or her copyright. However, it seems some people aren’t paying attention to the message that they can’t simply use (and especially charge money for) other people’s works without permission. In this case linked to above, there … Read more