The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Perhaps you’ve seen the meme that tells us that we all have the same number of hours in our day as Beyonce, and look at all that she has accomplished so get going. Clever, but the meme doesn’t include that she doesn’t wake up in the morning and say, “Hmm, what am I going to … Read more

Minnesota and Non-Competes

As OG+S’s attorney licensed in Minnesota and on the heels of last week’s post about the FTC proposed rule related to non-compete clauses, I figured I should cover recent changes in Minnesota law related to non-compete agreements. If you are looking for some helpful context about non-competes, Collin’s post provides helpful context. For agreements entered … Read more

Can I See Your ID?

Four lawyers standing outside at a Wisconsin vineyard.

Remote work has boomed over the past three years. Starting in March of 2020 and until at least July 31, 2023, the USCIS has allowed virtual, remote I-9 verification instead of the required in person verifications because of COVID.  On August 18, 2022, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) proposed the possibility of making virtual, … Read more

Our diversity makes us stronger. Our inclusion makes us better.

Five men. One teenager. Four women. Three dads. Two moms. A significant number of cats. Two dogs. Two toddlers. Three adult children. One five-year-old. Army veteran. Farm owners. City dwellers. Part-time. Ohio. Wisconsin. Michigan. Minnesota. Rural. Northwoods. White. African-Jamaican. Bougie. Snarky. Introvert. Ambivert. Extrovert. Disruptors. Software Engineering. Banking. Retail. Social media. Law School. Are you … Read more

How trust enhances team performance

As you learned from Drew’s post last week, we attended the State Bar of Wisconsin’s Solo and Small Firm Conference.  It is a conference for well, solo and small (fewer than 10 attorneys) firms. Unsurprisingly, there were a lot of discussions about teams with other attendees – especially those of us who have a dispersed … Read more

Let’s Just Put Them on Salary

This is a short post to make a short, but important point: Remember: The default rule, in the eyes of the government, is that your employees are paid hourly, and therefore entitled to overtime. Just deciding to “put the employee on salary” to avoid paying overtime is not how it works. Employers don’t get to … Read more

Buy-in Helps Everyone!

We previously talked about why a company would want restrictive covenants, but it isn’t just the company acting.  The employees are agreeing to the non-compete, non-solicitation, or non-disclosure provisions, too.  As for employees, they need to understand: 1) what they can and cannot do during their employment and afterwards, and 2) why it matters.  Their willingness to follow … Read more

Protecting Your Investment in Employees

We at OG+S are very excited to have two new employees this year.  They are smart, capable young women who make us a better law firm.  I wouldn’t trade either of them.  But, you know what, they take a lot of my time.  There is a boatload of training that goes into new hires.  They are learning our systems, … Read more