Growing Hemp in Wisconsin

Under the 2014 Federal Farm Bill,  hemp cultivation is allowed to be undertaken by States as part of an approved agricultural pilot program.  Despite many other federal laws banning cultivation and use of hemp, the Farm Bill created this carve-out and a new opportunity for entrepreneurs and farmers in States that adopted the pilot programs.  Luckily, … Read more

Take the Leap: Hiring Employees Is Not That Scary

I’ve been on an employment article kick lately, and my awesome business partner, Erin Ogden, will be making a presentation about “Business Growing Pains” to the Baraboo, Wisconsin Area Chamber of Commerce shortly, so I wanted to dust off this article I’d written a while back on LinkedIn and share it with the OG+S audience.  … Read more

Wages and Overtime: Determining Who is Exempt

How does an employer determine if an employee is exempt under the FLSA and Wisconsin law? Determining if an employee is exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”) and Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (“DWD”) regulations is a multi-step process.  Additionally, an employee may be exempt under the FLSA as to overtime, but may … Read more

Wages and Overtime: Flexible Compensation and Salaried Employees

This is the first post in a series about wages and overtime, when it applies, and how to avoid costly mistakes.  As your company expands beyond the initial founders, keeping abreast of the multiple (and sometimes confusing!) wage and overtime regulations covering employees becomes incredibly important.  Here are two questions I’ve gotten recently, along with … Read more

B is for Benefit

On November 27, 2017, Wisconsin started to allow businesses to be “benefit corporations” as a business entity thanks to the new corporate statutory Chapter 204.  A benefit corporation is a corporation formed in accordance with ch. 180 that states in its articles that it is a benefit corporation and has a purpose of creating general public benefit.  … Read more

You’re Not From Around Here, Are You?

If you do business outside of the state in which you are organized (e.g., you are a Wisconsin LLC, but do business in Illinios), you have to tell that other state that you are doing business there.  That is, you register as a foreign company.  Yup, it is as you always suspected, those Illinois people … Read more

Happy Independence Day

IN CONGRESS, JULY 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America hen in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of … Read more

Categories law

A Calmer Voice of Reason

A lot of attention has been paid in the media and industry regarding a new proposed law affecting breweries.  Given this, we thought a special, non-Tuesday blog post was warranted.  Jeff Glazer provides his opinion regarding this proposal.  So Jeff writing AND out on a Thursday – very special indeed! I know. Me? The calm … Read more