Dancing the Fortnite Away

The Copyright Act provides for copyright protection in “pantomimes and choreographic works”, but they have to be fixed in tangible form. According to the Copyright Office, “choreography is the composition and arrangement of a related series of dance movements and patterns organized into a coherent whole”, and pantomime is “the art of imitating, presenting, or … Read more

The End of an Era: Sega of America, Inc. v. Fox Interactive (aka Crazy Taxi vs. Simpsons Road Rage)

Happy Tax Day everyone! (I’m writing this on Monday!) Also, happy Crazy Taxi patent expiration day! If you’re a millennial like me, you’re probably familiar with the Sega arcade game, “Crazy Taxi.” (arcade release in 1999) And…if you were suffering through high school a few years later, I bet you know of that classic Crazy … Read more

Fixin’ To Dance

You may have heard that copyright exists in a work as soon as it is created. And you saw a lawyer twitch when you said that. It’s because we want to correct you, but also we don’t want to spoil the cocktail party and get kicked out before the bacon wrapped appetizers arrive. First, whatever … Read more

A Hard Lesson in Trade Secrets

Full Disclosure: If you want to read the source article that gave rise to this post, you can do so here: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/23/how-sex-drug-promescent-sparked-a-150-million-legal-battle.html. I would categorize it as “kinda-NSFW,” but probably not something you want to have up on your screen should your boss be doing laps around the office. Under Wis. Stat. Sec. 134.90(c), a “trade … Read more

Dealing with Deadlock

“Sure, 50\50 ownership is fine” the potential clients said to me as they looked across my desk. “We haven’t really talked about it, but I guess it’s fair. Do you think that’s best?” Entrepreneurship is my jam – I love it! I have met with many nascent entrepreneurs – all with various legal and business … Read more

Justify Your Existence

Back in the day, when we used read things in hard copy, there was a feature (in The AV Club, I think) that demanded that bands they reviewed to “Justify your existence.” The bands had to explain why they mattered; why should the customer should listen to their music, buy their CD (yeah, I just … Read more

Making Estate Administration Easier: 3 Things to Think About

Here are 3 quick tips to make your loved one’s estate plan execution process a little easier. It’s uncomfortable to discuss estate planning with your parents or other loved ones, but these simple tips will make administration of any estate much, much easier. Where is the Will\Trust\Etc?:  This is pretty self-explanatory – but please discuss with mom … Read more