Empowering Creatives to Know Their (Copy)Rights

            For creative people, copyright is a powerful concept. US law gives authors of fixed works with some element of creativity rights over their own creations, be they literary works, works of visual art, etc. This right allows the authors of these works to decide who is allowed to copy their work, and how, amongst … Read more

An Open Mind Opens Doors

Below is the second post from our departing summer law clerk, Karen. I am very happy that we infected her with our love of IP law! But what I am even happier about is that she gained confidence. ____________________________________________________________________________________ If you read my first blog post, you know that OG+S was my first legal job. … Read more

Ten Weeks with OG+S

This is the last week of work for our summer law clerk, Karen Perez-Wilson. She has been an absolute pleasure. One of her last assignments was to write two blog posts about her experiences with us this summer. This is her first post. As you will see, I think she is gunning for ice cream, … Read more


That headline just caused more than a few eyes to glaze over. I get it, but this post is to point out that just because we had fancy new terms and abbreviations, that doesn’t change a lot of fundamentals. Recently, the Spice DAO discovered that copyright law still applies – even to them. First things … Read more

Introducing Katie Francey

Katie is our new legal assistant. We are pretty sure that as you interact with Katie, you will realize she fits right in here at OG+S. Below, she gives a taste of what we mean by that (see: cat’s name). I grew up mostly in Wisconsin and Michigan, I am the youngest of three children, … Read more

Wishing You All Independence And Equality

In Congress, July 4, 1776 The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the … Read more

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