Trademarks and Sports: Yes, No, Maybe So?

Can trademarks and sports mix? To address this question, I wanted to dive in with several case studies: Of course, this Cheesehead cannot help but talk about the Green Bay Packers! The Packers’ notable trademark is it’s original one where it claims the services of “entertainment services in the form of professional football games and … Read more

Minnesota and Non-Competes

As OG+S’s attorney licensed in Minnesota and on the heels of last week’s post about the FTC proposed rule related to non-compete clauses, I figured I should cover recent changes in Minnesota law related to non-compete agreements. If you are looking for some helpful context about non-competes, Collin’s post provides helpful context. For agreements entered … Read more

Poking Fun or Making a Buck?

My last blog post ended with a cliffhanger: but what about Jack Daniel’s and dog toys? For those of you on the edge of your seats, thanks for waiting. There are others probably thinking, “What is this guy’s deal? First, it was shoes and socks, and now it’s whiskey and dog toys?” For those readers, … Read more

Will it Mix?: Wisconsin Law and Homemade Goods

Those following the news in Wisconsin may have heard about a December 2022 court decision, which ordered the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) not to enforce Wisconsin law against producers of certain kinds of homemade goods. This blog post intends to break it down a little more to provide the context … Read more

Checking in on S-Corps

After a long hiatus from this blog, I decided it was time to revisit S-Corps. If you are unfamiliar with S-Corps, go check out Collin’s first and second posts on S-Corps, which provide helpful context. With the foundation laid for the basics of S-Corps,  we can turn to the main focus of this post: electing … Read more

LLC Ya Next Year!

Earlier this year, the Wisconsin Legislature passed Act 258, which will bring updates to Wisconsin’s LLC Law. These changes are set to take effect on January 1, 2023. At a high level, the major updates include the following: For those out there reading, you might be wondering, “What does this have to do with me?” … Read more