The Corporate Transparency Act is Here. Now What is Substantial Control?

(part 1 of 3) This series of posts follows Collin’s earlier posts on Corporate Transparency. Thank you, Collin, for paving the way! For that helpful context, please see Collin’s posts here and here. The purpose of this series is to dig a little more into the “nuts and bolts” of who must be reported, the … Read more

As we wrap 2023 and look towards 2024

We thank you all for reading our (hopefully insightful) blog posts. We plan to continue the mission this next year and we appreciate all the feedback, comments and engagements that we’ve received. We also want to thank our clients, business partners, staff, attorneys and ancillary work teams – we couldn’t do what we do without … Read more

State Your Intentions

There are two processes for processing thoughts. One process addresses a lot of our needs. It monitors for threats and opportunities. It is mostly controlled by the amygdala, which means it is a lot of emotion and actions being acted upon unconsciously and automatically. It bypasses the neocortex. The other process lives in the neocortex … Read more

Rituals Aren’t Just for Year End

We have habits (good and bad). We have routines (intentional and non-intentional). But rituals? Maybe not so much.  Setting and implementing goals can be pretty stressful. Anxiety often rides along on any journey to a goal – especially those goals involving growth (personal or business). If it is causing growth, it is causing you to … Read more

Do; be. Do; be. Do.

Behavior activation is a branch of psychology focusing on how one’s environment shapes their actions and their mental health. By deliberately practicing certain behaviors, you can activate an emotional state. Go for one of the positive ones because that can lead to virtuous cycles. The opposite leads to vicious cycles, and ain’t nobody got time … Read more

Go Goals, Go! 

First, read my article about goals published by the State Bar of Wisconsin. Back already? Great! I’ve convinced you that goals matter. They help guide priorities. They provide freedom, catalysts, and momentum. So, let’s get started.   What makes a good goal? I’m sure you’ve heard of SMART goals, but I encourage you to take SMARTIES.   … Read more

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Perhaps you’ve seen the meme that tells us that we all have the same number of hours in our day as Beyonce, and look at all that she has accomplished so get going. Clever, but the meme doesn’t include that she doesn’t wake up in the morning and say, “Hmm, what am I going to … Read more