Strong Foundations: IP webinar series

We want you to start your 2021 armed with knowledge! Strong Foundations is a presentation series to help owners of companies build their knowledge of key legal concepts and then use this knowledge to grow their companies on those strong foundations.  This first series will discuss intellectual property including trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets and contracts relating to … Read more

Words Matter, Even in Privacy Policies.

Words matter; but what you actually do matters more. When the words and actions don’t line up – trouble is brewing. This post is about Privacy Policies and why, just like other contracts, copying and pasting one from the Internet may not be the best idea. Read on for more information. Privacy Policies are notoriously … Read more

Buy-in Helps Everyone!

We previously talked about why a company would want restrictive covenants, but it isn’t just the company acting.  The employees are agreeing to the non-compete, non-solicitation, or non-disclosure provisions, too.  As for employees, they need to understand: 1) what they can and cannot do during their employment and afterwards, and 2) why it matters.  Their willingness to follow … Read more

Protecting Your Investment in Employees

We at OG+S are very excited to have two new employees this year.  They are smart, capable young women who make us a better law firm.  I wouldn’t trade either of them.  But, you know what, they take a lot of my time.  There is a boatload of training that goes into new hires.  They are learning our systems, … Read more

Listen, then Act

We firmly believe that the most important thing that a business can do is listen to their customers. Listen to what they are telling you, listen to what they are asking you, but also listen for their problems beyond their direct statements and questions. But don’t stop there. Then look at what you can do … Read more

The Anatomy of a Non-Disclosure Agreement

Last week we posted a video about Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA/s) and how a common mistake in their drafting could put your Company’s trade secrets at risk. Now, we’re following up with this blog post to point out the key provisions to keep an eye out for. Remember: Trade Secrets are protected by statute and can … Read more

We ARE Trying.

It has been a busy first quarter for our clients, which means a busy time for us. One thing that has kept us hopping is the purchase or sale of businesses. Often, but not always, that takes the form of an asset sale. That means assets of the business are sold – not ownership of … Read more

Pick Your Fight

We’ve all seen the legal dramas on TV where the lawyers storm into court with vicious questioning and killer closing arguments. But in the real world, most disputes don’t end up in court. Many go to what is called “alternative dispute resolution” or ADR. The two most common of those are arbitration and mediation. Arbitration … Read more