Can’t Compete With Confusion

Non-compete agreements have been in the news lately because the FTC “banned” them.  Yeah, it was in the boring section in the news, but I know I’m not the only one who saw it – as we’ve had questions. First, the FTC issued a final rule. That’s an administrative rule, not a law, but lots … Read more

Bottles Up

As a firm of trademark and alcohol attorneys, it’s always a thrill when those two topics collide, especially on a major stage. We had one of those great moments of serendipity last week. The story begins with Diageo, the company that owns Bulleit Frontier Whiskey, a brand of whiskey that might be familiar to our … Read more

The Corporate Transparency Act is Here. Now What About Ownership Interests?

(part 2 of 3) This post is the second part in a series on the Corporate Transparency Act. Feel free to check out Part 1 here. The last post talked about how a beneficial owner under the Corporate Transparency Act (Act) can be any individual who exercises “substantial control” over the company. This post focuses … Read more

First Things First: Trademark Preliminary Screens

If any readers have ever gotten in touch with OG+S regarding a potential trademark application, we have likely mentioned the possibility of doing a “preliminary screen” for your mark. This process, sometimes also referred to as a “knockout search”, helps trademark applicants get a sense of the field before they apply. Here at OG+S, we … Read more

Spell It Out For Me

We as attorneys are described in many ways. Sometimes flattering, sometimes not. But one way to describe us that will always fit is “constant learners.” The law is notorious for moving slowly, but it is always moving. Occasionally, there is a sea change, but often it is through constant tweaks. There are the laws (we … Read more