When to Hold On, and When to Logo

Logos can be an effective tool. Like word marks, logos can be used to help consumers draw a connection between goods/services and the source of those goods/services. With especially prominent logos, that connection can even be drawn without words (think of a particular swoosh for shoes or golden arches for burgers). With that potential in … Read more

Ethiopian Hops and Other Weird Ingredients

The history of beer is strewn with styles you’ve never heard of. We all know about pilsners, and IPAs, and stouts, and ambers. But what about wit, a fizzy yellow Dutch beer made with coriander and grains of paradise? Or gruit, a Northern European style brewed with pine, sweet gale, or mugwort? Or T’ej, an … Read more

Alcohol Producers: Do I Need a Municipal Liquor License to Serve in my Tasting Room?

As many of you know, a significant portion of the work OG+S does is dedicated to the federal and state permitting that is required to open and operate a new brewery, brewpub, winery, or distillery. Inevitably, after the Federal (TTB) and State (DOR) permits are received, many clients ask, “Do I need a license from … Read more

Introducing Andrew Factor

Andrew joins OG+S fresh out of law school with a background in working with clients in the entrepreneurial business and intellectual property spaces. He hopes to focus his work on IP matters, as well as being a passionate advocate for business clients with an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for their community.  Prior to law … Read more

2022 Alignment Checklist

To help you address our recommendations in the blog entry from two weeks ago, we created this checklist for you to align your documents with your goals and reality (if you are reading this in an email, you may have to go to the website to see the graphic). We’re excited to see you get … Read more