‘Tis the Season: Send Us a 1099!

Right after the holidays, small businesses have a lot on their plate – W-2’s and 1099’s are due soon, and so are final quarter self employment tax payments! Question: Recently, a client asked: “Do I need to send OG+S a 1099 for services?” and because it was such a great question, it naturally became the … Read more

Happy 2020!

As we have discussed before, January 1 brings a new year and a new crop of copyrighted works entering into the public domain. This year, works from 1924 become available. We wish you a wonderful, fulfilling new year with lots of great works to build on! A few of my favorites: All these shorts and … Read more

Happy Holidays to You and Yours

Happy Holidays! Everyone at OG+S wishes you a great holiday and prosperous New Year. If you’ve worked with us for any length of time, you know we are animal lovers at heart – so with that, I give you photos of our furry family members \ legal assistants!

But Will You Be Paid?

Perhaps one of the most important questions that someone thinking of starting a business (or adding a new line to their existing business) is: Will you make money? Or as Gary put it: Can you compete and still make a reasonable return on your investment?  This is an easy, yet hard question. Often, people will … Read more

Planning Matters.

It’s happened twice in my career so far: the deathbed will. In both instances, the situation was exceedingly sad – individual gets sick; realizes their estate plan isn’t up to date; and attempts to re-write their “will” (or write it the first time) by text message or by signed affidavit. In both cases, although the … Read more

What Do You Buy?

Last time, we took a look around to see if people are actually buying handmade soap. We found my friend from kindergarten and some other sellers on Etsy. But, does that really answer Gary’s second question? Who else is selling a competing product, and at what price?  Not really. It is just saying that some … Read more

Is Anyone Out There?

Back to our little soap opera. What dilemma is our start-up hero facing today? Last time, we discussed what it is that we want to sell: Handmade soap. The next question is: Does anyone need or want what you are planning to sell? Wow. Harsh reality hits fast and hard. Just because I want to … Read more

Restraints of Trade Come in Many Flavors

We get a ton of questions about “non-competes” at OGS. In legal terms, a “non-compete” is a specific kind of “restraint of trade” that is governed by Wis. Stat. Sec. 103.465. However, the type of “restraint of trade” that is right for you and your business may not be a “non compete” and could be … Read more

Let’s ‘Paws’ for a Moment to Talk More About Soap

Last time in my soap opera, I discussed professionals that I would need to talk to before I started any soap business. I received a nice email from Gary Barber, a committed volunteer at the Madison Chapter of SCORE. He proposed that his first steps are not the professionals, but rather something else: My first … Read more