Our diversity makes us stronger. Our inclusion makes us better.

Five men. One teenager. Four women. Three dads. Two moms. A significant number of cats. Two dogs. Two toddlers. Three adult children. One five-year-old. Army veteran. Farm owners. City dwellers. Part-time. Ohio. Wisconsin. Michigan. Minnesota. Rural. Northwoods. White. African-Jamaican. Bougie. Snarky. Introvert. Ambivert. Extrovert. Disruptors. Software Engineering. Banking. Retail. Social media. Law School. Are you … Read more

Will it Mix?: Wisconsin Law and Homemade Goods

Those following the news in Wisconsin may have heard about a December 2022 court decision, which ordered the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP) not to enforce Wisconsin law against producers of certain kinds of homemade goods. This blog post intends to break it down a little more to provide the context … Read more

Checking in on S-Corps

After a long hiatus from this blog, I decided it was time to revisit S-Corps. If you are unfamiliar with S-Corps, go check out Collin’s first and second posts on S-Corps, which provide helpful context. With the foundation laid for the basics of S-Corps,  we can turn to the main focus of this post: electing … Read more

First to Use or First to File?

We are a “first to use” jurisdiction for trademarks in the United States. That means, if you are the first to use a trademark in multi-state commerce you have “priority” over those who use the same trademark after you, and are the rightful owner of the mark. However, we also have a trademark filing system … Read more

Delegation: Where The Rubber Meets The Road

We’ve talked about why we should delegate and what and when we should delegate. All of that is great unless we don’t actually do it or do it poorly. So today, we’ll provide some pointers on the how we can delegate successfully.  First, choose the correct person for the correct task. Each team member has … Read more

Delegation: What do I give, what do I keep?

Last week, I talked about why we delegate. Great, now we’re sold! But what do we delegate and when? Not every task can be delegated.  Before simply handing off a task (especially menial ones), consider whether you can eliminate it in the first place completely. If it doesn’t need to be done, then we do … Read more

The Good Fight with the Good Friends 

“That was good, wasn’t it?” This was the question that Republican Senator John McCain asked Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy, after having one of their heated debates on the floor of the United States Senate. Two men putting aside their staunch differences because of a friendship. Now over the years, I have noticed that more and … Read more