Can’t Compete With Confusion

Non-compete agreements have been in the news lately because the FTC “banned” them.  Yeah, it was in the boring section in the news, but I know I’m not the only one who saw it – as we’ve had questions. First, the FTC issued a final rule. That’s an administrative rule, not a law, but lots … Read more

Bottles Up

As a firm of trademark and alcohol attorneys, it’s always a thrill when those two topics collide, especially on a major stage. We had one of those great moments of serendipity last week. The story begins with Diageo, the company that owns Bulleit Frontier Whiskey, a brand of whiskey that might be familiar to our … Read more

The Corporate Transparency Act is Here. Now What About Ownership Interests?

(part 2 of 3) This post is the second part in a series on the Corporate Transparency Act. Feel free to check out Part 1 here. The last post talked about how a beneficial owner under the Corporate Transparency Act (Act) can be any individual who exercises “substantial control” over the company. This post focuses … Read more

First Things First: Trademark Preliminary Screens

If any readers have ever gotten in touch with OG+S regarding a potential trademark application, we have likely mentioned the possibility of doing a “preliminary screen” for your mark. This process, sometimes also referred to as a “knockout search”, helps trademark applicants get a sense of the field before they apply. Here at OG+S, we … Read more