LLC Ya Next Year!

Earlier this year, the Wisconsin Legislature passed Act 258, which will bring updates to Wisconsin’s LLC Law. These changes are set to take effect on January 1, 2023. At a high level, the major updates include the following: For those out there reading, you might be wondering, “What does this have to do with me?” … Read more

Introducing Richard Mullings!

Richard is joining OG+S as a Paralegal focused on IP Docket management and related activities while he completes his coursework at Madison College, Madison, WI. Prior to pursuing a career as a Paralegal, Richard gained valuable experiences as a technology practitioner in the financial services and consumer product good industries. He has worked in the … Read more

Introducing Andrew Factor

Andrew joins OG+S fresh out of law school with a background in working with clients in the entrepreneurial business and intellectual property spaces. He hopes to focus his work on IP matters, as well as being a passionate advocate for business clients with an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for their community.  Prior to law … Read more

Scam Alert. Again.

We previously warned you about some USPTO scams. Well, someone looked at those scammers and said, “What a great idea! I’ll do that for new companies who just formed!” In other words, jerks multiplied like bunnies on Viagra. And so I’d like to introduce you to the newest scam: The Certificate of Service Scam.  It … Read more