Social Distancing: You Check Out Any Time You Like, But You Can Never Ship?

We’ve been getting a lot (a lot) of questions about how breweries, wineries, or distilleries can practice and encourage effective “social distancing” with their clientele. So, let’s review for the record: Basic Rule: Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries can sell at their place of manufacture/tasting room for off-premise consumption. In other words, they can all sell … Read more

Side Gig or Not: Limit Your Liability.

I have been asked quite a bit lately about when one should create a business entity like an LLC. I get told things like: “It is just a small side gig.” or, “It is a direct sales thing.” And I get it. You don’t know if it is going anywhere, and you don’t want to … Read more

First to File? First to Use? It’s Not the Same Everywhere! Thoughts on Trademark Strategy for Global Companies:

Trademarks are our jam at OG+S. This post is a short one about trademark strategy and what to think about if your brand has a global reach. First to Use: In the United States, we have a “first to use” system when it comes to trademarks. What that means is that the Company who uses … Read more

We ARE Trying.

It has been a busy first quarter for our clients, which means a busy time for us. One thing that has kept us hopping is the purchase or sale of businesses. Often, but not always, that takes the form of an asset sale. That means assets of the business are sold – not ownership of … Read more

Commercial Real Estate Purchases and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (aka Superfund)

When people say “Superfund,” I don’t think purchases of “run of the mill” commercial real estate come to mind (as often as they maybe should). Prior to becoming a lawyer, the word “Superfund” evoked images of Mad Max-esque chemical spill disasters, rampant white collar crime and greedy capitalism in my mind – the purchase of … Read more

The Licensing Lion

We have written in the past about the control that a copyright owner has over the subject of his or her copyright. However, it seems some people aren’t paying attention to the message that they can’t simply use (and especially charge money for) other people’s works without permission. In this case linked to above, there … Read more

Family Feud

OK, you have gone through all of the questions that Gary set out for you, but now’s the toughest one of all: Do you have the support network at home for this? Start-ups are not for the faint of heart. You will be putting in hours of work – possibly for little or no pay … Read more

FDA Issues New Enforcement Letters to CBD Companies

Two months ago, the FDA disclosed that they recently warned 15 companies producing and\or selling CBD that their actions in marketing the products were contrary to Federal Law. We were just gearing up for the holidays, so everyone at OG+S didn’t want to sour the mood, but now that we’re halfway though January, this development … Read more

Are you right? Right now?

I joked last time that I was having an existential crisis about my own value by discussing how much I should pay myself when starting a business, but this week’s post kicks it into high gear as we ask: Are you the right person to start this business? Well, now, these questions are not getting … Read more